Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Meeting about expenses with Tom Levitt - Friday 5th June in Chapel-en-le-Frith

Some of our readers have been in touch to inform us that Tom Levitt has been emailing constituents inviting them to attend a meeting he has called regarding his expenses. You can read the email by following this link, or look at the text below:
Interest in MPs’ expenses continues and I remain anxious to be completely open about this issue.

Following a successful meeting last week, I am organising a second opportunity for people to question me on:

Friday 5 June - 7pm

The Old Packhorse, Market Street
Chapel-en-le-Frith SK23 0NT

I will give a presentation on the expenses system as well as my own record and then answer any questions. Please let me know if you wish to attend.
We're not sure why Tom isn't publicising this meeting on his website, since it has been sent to some of his constituents that have been in touch with him. But as the meeting is clearly aimed at his constituents, then we thought we'd do our bit to help him publicise it. 

We'll be there. But we'd like to hear your reports about what the meeting brings, so get in touch. 


  1. Can you ask him why he needs a hair-dryer please?

  2. I left at 8pm and no one asked about the hair-dryer. There were some thoughtful comments and questions asked as well as one slightly inebriated heckler. As one constituent put it (I paraphrase I said it much better). There are lambs who are whiter than white and wholley innocent, then there are sheep who just follow the flock, then the pigs with their snouts in the trough, and the wolves out to get everything they can. From what you have said Mr Levitt you are somewhere between a sheep and a pig". I thought that pretty much summarised the feeling of the meeting.

  3. what a shame people like this blog writer do it anonymously. i have never voted labour in my life but will be tempted because of you. nasty comments do nothing to encourage serious debate. they demean you tho.

  4. The drunk ruined the meeting and gave Levitt a chance to wiggle off the hook. Everyone argued with the drunk rather than Levitt.

    Was the drunk a plant?
